Thursday, August 4, 2011

Video Rampage...part...2?

Yeah. I made another video. If any of you watched my Hiiro no Kakera one and thought it was smexy, wait till you see this one...


LOL. On the other hand, I've got some very shocking news. Sungyeol from Infinite has a partner now. Yup. He got himself a...
I am so surprised by this. I was like: OH EM GEE. Oh well. Better him with a guy than him with a girl, right?  D: Don't believe me? Well, I got a picture of them being all lovey dovey. You want to see it? Here:
OH BUT WAIT. I must warn you. You should probably prepare yourself mentally before proceeding.


You ready? 


Here we go!!!



Sungyeol and his boyfriend have A LOT in common. ;P

Anyway, once again. I lack a daily post. Orz 
I'm sorry. HOWEVER, there will be another review post coming up soon, sooo...stay tuned.
And hey, this review post might be a little more speshul than my other ones. :D

I hope you enjoyed the video! OKTHXBAI!! X3

1 comment:

  1. OMG HAHA I THOUGHT SUNGYEOL WAS GAY FOR A MIN! that'd be a waste XD btw nice vid
