LOL. On the other hand, I've got some very shocking news. Sungyeol from Infinite has a partner now. Yup. He got himself a...
I am so surprised by this. I was like: OH EM GEE. Oh well. Better him with a guy than him with a girl, right? D: Don't believe me? Well, I got a picture of them being all lovey dovey. You want to see it? Here:
OH BUT WAIT. I must warn you. You should probably prepare yourself mentally before proceeding.
OH BUT WAIT. I must warn you. You should probably prepare yourself mentally before proceeding.
You ready?
Here we go!!!
Sungyeol and his boyfriend have A LOT in common. ;P
Anyway, once again. I lack a daily post. Orz
I'm sorry. HOWEVER, there will be another review post coming up soon, sooo...stay tuned.
And hey, this review post might be a little more speshul than my other ones. :D
I hope you enjoyed the video! OKTHXBAI!! X3
OMG HAHA I THOUGHT SUNGYEOL WAS GAY FOR A MIN! that'd be a waste XD btw nice vid