Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Otome Game Review: Princess Debut

Yay! Pink and sparkles! Well, yeah, but this game was fun nonetheless. Princess Debut is a combo of romance, games, and visual novel. By games, I mean the dancing game where you trace the shapes and stuff. Seems easy right? Most of the time, it is. Sometimes...ugh. Anyway, this review is going to be pretty short because I haven't played all of the guys' routes yet. Let the reviewing begin!

The Story: 
In Princess Debut, you play as a normal school girl who wishes to be swept away by a prince. *barfs out unicorns* One day, when you return to home from school, you hear a strange noise in the closet! You open the closet, and out comes a girl who looks exactly like you and and a weird looking creature thing that looks kind of like a hamster. Your clone states that she is a princess from another world and wants you to replace her for the Ball of Saint-Lyon. Why? Because, apparently, she sucks at dancing. Anyway, you accept and now you have thirty days to be the best in So You Think You Can Dance and beat the crap out of everyone practice your dancing skills, and find a prince to be your dance partner/lover!

The Gameplay:
Throughout the whole game, you travel around the other world, talk to some princes, and practice your dancing. Really not much, but this damn game is so addicting that I temporarily forgot about my love for the internet. Seriously. About the dancing game...it is actually quite simple. All you have to do it follow the circle thing that moves around. At first, it seemed easy, but then new dances came, and they became much harder (well for me at least). Gameplay is quite repetitive, but I still enjoyed playing it.

The Characters:
Heroine/You: Betch doesn't look like me. She's okay. I don't have a lot to say about her. In the beginning, she's your stereotypical Kindergartner First grader girly girl who desperately wants to find a prince that will sweep her off her feet. Typical me would've found those kind of characters extremely annoying. However, one she is in the alternate world, you can shape her personality however you want. You can make her a biatch, a nice girl, etc.

Note: The guys...yeah. I'll just describe the available few. I know there are hidden characters, but I don't feel like describing them.

Victor (in real world)/Vince (in alternate world): He's your standard, happy-go-lucky shota. And he also happens to be the first guy I got. Blonde hair, green eyes. Not my kind of dude. That doesn't mean I dislike him though. He can be cute sometimes. Always trying to ditch dancing class. I was stuck dancing with Mr. Bunny during the last half of the game. = . =

Carlos/Cesar: He's your typical flirt. He looks like he belongs in a Host Club or something. Once again, not my type. He has freaking pink/purple-ish hair and brown eyes. I haven't played his route yet, but I don't really want to. He loves to think that his meeting with every pretty girl is "fate". Hahaha.

Leon/Liam: The nice non-rapist guy. I wouldn't say he's not my type, but I guess he would make a pretty good boyfriend in real life. Unfortunately, nice doesn't satisfy us girls sometimes. Anyway, he has green hair and green eyes and green clothes. Kind of like a walking dollar bill or cactus. Ironically, he knows a lot about plants. PPPFFFTTCCHHHPFFTTTT. I haven't played his route either.

Kyle/Klaus: Your typical popular dude. In the beginning, the heroine thinks that he's "out of her league". GUURRRL. IF I WERE YOU. I WOULD GO UP TO HIM, GRAB HIM AND SAY "HEY BABY. HOW YOU DOIN'." Hehehe. Despite what I just said and crossed out, he isn't really my type either. He's kind of...too mysterious. Like he's hiding sh!t or something. Always surrounded by girls (good luck on trying to get a piece of that). Pink hair, green eyes. Haven't played his route either.

Lucas/Luciano: Tsundere with a bad sense of direction. (ACE FROM HEART NO KUNI NO ALICE????) He's my type, sort of. Well, like I said, total tsundere. I bet he would rather die than admit that he would make a terrible GPS his flaws. HOWEVER, when he goes all dere dere, you would probably be like D'AAAAWWW I FORGIVE YOUR STUPIDITY. Black hair, brown eyes. (<--cuz that combo is sexy) Haven't played his route either. I heard it was super difficult. D:

The Art:
I guess it's okay. I mean, I've seen better. (.____.)

From the way I described the characters, it seems like I hate them all, right? Wrong. I just think the romance in this game isn't strong enough for me. However, like I mentioned earlier, this game is addicting and I think it is worth playing. If only they can add some actual CGs. Cuz the ones in the game is a terribly sad excuse. Also, they should cut some of the pink and sparkles out. I get this is a game for pre-teens, but I don't think most of them are like that. (I mean I wasn't like that...)
Rating: 4/5

-I will probably update this post once I play the other dudes. :D

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