Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Update Post

Well...my rant post was supposed to be the update post, but I changed my mind. Once I start blogging, I can't stop. XD

This post will be super short...unless I decide to rant and rave again about different things. I dunno. Anyway...

Update Numero Uno: As you can see, I have changed the layout and background of my blog. Cute pandas have been replaced by cute Yoseobbie. Yeah! :D

Update Numero Dos: A new otome game review is coming up soon. I am an honest person, so I'll say this: I haven't played all the boys' routes yet. Oh well.

Update Numero Tres: I will be talking more about K-pop than intended...so yeah.

Update Numero Cuatro: I honestly don't know why I'm using Spanish numbers instead of English ones, but that might be some kind of warning sign (aka: excessive Spanish use).

Update Numero Cinco: Found a video gadget so people can watch vids while reading my blog. :D

Update Numero Seis: Check out my first post "Why Hallo Thar". I added some shiz that might mean nothing to your life (but it's funny). XD

Update Numero Siete: Thanks/Gracias/Arigatou gozaimasu (ありがとうございます) /谢谢/Kamsamnida (감사합니다) to my one follower. I <3 you 
(no homo)! :D

Well, that's all for this post. X3 Now I will proceed to stare at my blog because the background is absolutely beautiful (SO BEAUTIFUL MY GIRL BOY). XD

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